
mod_progress track connection progress (state) via a unique identifier

mod_progress lets you track connection progress (or rather state) using a lookup table in which connections are registered via a random unique identifier specified with the request.
It is most commonly used to implement progress bars for file uploads.

A request to the webserver is registered using the progress.track action and being tracked by a random unique identifier supplied with the X-Progress-Id querystring parameter.
From that moment on, other requests can fetch the state of the first request through the action specifying the X-Progress-Id used earlier.
Even after a tracked request finished and the connection to the client is gone, requests can for a limited amount of time get the status of it to see it as “done”.

Check the source code there for further insight.

progress.ttl (setup)

Time to live in seconds for entries after a disconnect in the internal lookup table

progress.ttl ttl;
time to live in seconds (default: 30)

progress.methods (option)

Request methods to track

progress.methods methods;
Default value: ("POST")


setup {
	module_load "mod_progress";
	progress.methods ("PUT", "POST");

progress.track (action)

tracks the current request if the X-Progress-ID querystring key is supplied

progress.track; (action)

returns state information about the request tracked with the ID specified by the X-Progress-ID querystring parameter format;
(optional) output format, one of "legacy", "json" or "jsonp". Defaults to "json".

Output formats:

  • legacy: new Object({"state": "running"", "received": 123456, "sent": 0, "request_size": 200000, "response_size": 0})
  • json: {"state": "running", "received": 123456, "sent": 0, "request_size": 200000, "response_size": 0}
  • jsonp: progress({"state": "running", "received": 123456, "sent": 0, "request_size": 200000, "response_size": 0})
    The function name (default “progress”) can be altered by supplying a X-Progress-Callback querystring parameter.

The JSON object can contain the following members:

  • state: One of "unknown", "running", "done" or "error".
  • received: Bytes received by lighty or uploaded by the client.
  • request_size: Total size of request or uploaded file as specified via the Content-Length request header.
  • sent: Bytes sent by lighty or downloaded by the client.
  • response_size: Total size of response. Attention: this might grow over time in case of streaming from a backend.
  • status: HTTP status code of response.

received, request_size, sent and response_size are only available if state is "running" or "done". status is only available if state is "error".


setup {
	module_load "mod_progress";

if req.path == "/upload.php" { progress.track; }
if req.path == "/progress" {; }

progress.debug (option)

enable debug output

progress.debug value;
Default value: false